Sunna Design acquires SOL Inc.
Sunna Design accelerates growth and expands global presence by acquiring North America's leading solar lighting provider SOL Inc.
Sunna Design accelerates growth and expands global presence by acquiring North America's leading solar lighting provider SOL Inc.
Carbon-neutral adaptative public lighting was a giant leap in defining what a smart city component could be. Now that the lamp post is freed from it’s old energy network constraints, SUNNA Design[...]
Enlighten places by bringing natural light to others is certainly a great way to celebrate a successful career or to share the fruits of talent. We can help because we do it a lot.
At Sunna Design, we are proud to impact more than two million citizens around the world with our intelligent and autonomous solar solutions.Today, it is time to bring them more than light.The[...]
Sunna Design is the leader of solar energy management for autonomous and connected applications, with solar street lighting being our core business.
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